365 days of happiness

If you read my first ever post for this blog then you know, in the past, I have struggled with a mental illness. In the post, I wrote about how I tried to take my own life. That was exactly one year from tomorrow, Nov. 13th. To celebrate my good fortunate, I decided to write a letter to all my friends and family. The letter was the following:
""You came into my life
at a bad time,
when I truly hated who I was
and what I had become
I was broken,

but you fought your way in
and saved me

you loved me
and by doing so
you made me
love myself too"


If you are receiving this letter, that means that you have in, some way, affected my life in the past year. November 13th will be exactly one year of being happy and getting my life back. I have you to thank for that. I will forever be grateful for what you have done for me. Included in this letter is a teal and purple ribbon sticker that represents suicide awareness. If you would like, I would love for you to wear it on November 13th (or after, depending when you get this) to support the people that have considered and/or attempted suicide.

Here’s to many more years of being happy,


I ended up sending this letter to close to 30 people.

I also decided to ask everyone in my sorority to wear the same ribbon tomorrow to not only represent me but to represent anyone that has ever attempted suicide or has thought about it. Hopefully, you see these ribbons tomorrow around campus.

I am so grateful to have the people that I do in my life. I will never be able to repay them.

If you or anyone you know ever wants to talk me about the things I went through, I would be happy to talk to you.


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