Social Athletes

When I interviewed Hailee Loughman, a senior on the softball team, she spoke about how social media can play a big role with athletes. Today, I am going talk about athletes and how they should be using social media.

Here are 12 tips I found on Via Sports. These tips are going to make athletes using social media successful.

1. Create key messages and goals- If you set these goals beforehand then you will know how exactly you are going run your social media when it comes to posting.

2. Create a distinction between your personal and public life- Via Sports suggest that you don't post too much personal information on your social media. If you want to have social media to keep up with your close friends and family, then you should make a separate page and set strict privacy setting. The main rule is if you don't want it posted on a billboard then you shouldn't post it for the public to see.

3. Tell a story- Tell your story, tell us how you got where you are today. People and fans are going to be able to connect with you more if they know your story

4. Show yourself in action on and off the field of play- This is saying that you should post what you are doing throughout the day. People follow you because of what you do on the field but they also want to see what you are doing off the field as well.

5. Let your personality shine- If you want to be silly, then be silly. You account shouldn't feel like a robot wrote it. Your followers will grow bored. Be yourself.

6. Use correct spelling and grammar- On Facebook, grammar is important. On Twitter, you have less characters so you can shorten words and use abbreviations. Just try your best to keep your writing professional.

7. Engage with the larger sports community- Engage in conversations with your followers and fans. No, I wouldn't fight with them (Trevor Bauer) but I would tweet back once and a while. Just to let them know you see their tweets and you care about their support.

8. Be consistent- You should try to post a couple times a week and not just for big events. You want to keep your followers engaged.

9. Don't reveal too much- You should check with your coach or your trainer to make sure that you are allowed post certain things.

10. Focus on the process- Via sports says that you should post and be optmistic about your goals. They don't think you should tweet that you can't wait to "win the gold" but you should post that you can't wait to "perform today".

11. Be appropriate- Basically, don't be dumb. Don't fight with your girlfriend or post a drunk selfie.

12. Remain Positive- Try to stay positive. It might be hard after a tough loss but just try to give your best attitude when posting.


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