
As you all know, I am reading Social Media Marketing: Workbook 2018. This book is written by Jason McDonald. I am on chapter 6 now and this is chapter is all about Instagram. Instagram is one of my personal favorite social media sites. I am not the only one that loves Instagram. Instagram gets more than 800 million active monthly users and over 95 millions photos are posted on the site each day. Lets look at what make Instagram so special.

Instagram has four main elements that can help you enhance your personal or business page.

First, you can change the profile picture to your page. This is the first picture people see when they click on your profile. If you are private, this could be the only picture they see before they request to follow you. This is usually a picture of you smiling or doing something fun. The book says "everyone is having a good time on Instagram, and if they're not, they're supposed to fake it". Just like Facebook you are only posting about the good things that happen to you.

Second is your pages timeline. If you click on a profile, you will see their timeline below their bio. This is a series of posts that they have posted.These are in order the date they were posted. You can tell the difference between just a picture or a video because a video will have a little video camera in the top right corner.

Third, you can see the stats of each page. When you click on the profile, you can see the stats of that profile. These stats include; how many pictures they have posted, how many followers they have, and how many people they follow.

Finally, you can create your own unique bio to describe you. Everyone on Instagram can have a bio. In that bio, you can have one clickable link. If you have a buisness then this would perfect for you to slide your website right in there. If this is a personal profile then you can put anything in there. These things could be your blog site, your Facebook account, or your favorite YouTube video, ect.

Now lets talk about posting an actual photo to your page.

The photo (or video)- This is the primary element of Instagram. This is the reason you are posting. You are trying to show off this picture. You can either edit the picture before you get on Instagram or you can edit it using the tools Instagram gives you. Make sure that you look at the picture and it looks like you want it to look before you post. Once you post and start to get likes, you can not edit the picture again.

The Caption- This is what is right under the picture. This is where you, in a few words, write what is going on in the picture. Here is where you can put the hashtags for people to look up and see your post.

The comments- If you are public then anyone can comment on this post. The users might tag someone or use their own hashtags as well.

The Likes- This is symbolized with a heart. When people look at the post they can see how many people have "liked" it. You can “like” posts by double-clicking on the photograph.

Well, that's all about Instagram for today. I hope you enjoyed this and learned a little bit more about this fun social media site.


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