Professionalism on social media

According to about 70 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates before hiring. has a article called "5 Smart Strategies for Maintaining Professionalism in Social Media"

I am going to review these tips and let you guys in on them as well. 

1. Mind your privacy- This means that you should make privacy settings as you see fit. If you think that you can keep a professional image then you can stay public but if you think you are going to get tagged in pictures or statuses that you think are not very professional than you you should probably change your privacy settings. I recently changed my privacy setting on Facebook. I would be tagged in my friends pictures all the time. I changed my setting that would make it that I had to review the picture I was tagged on before it actually got linked to my page. This helped before I am not always on Facebook a lot so I would be tagged in a photo that I didn't like but I wouldn't see it for a couple days after it was posted. Now, if I don't get on for a couple days then I am not missing anything. 

2. Choose between one or two specific profiles- This is for someone running a business or companies social media pages but this is saying that you should have tons of profiles on one site. Just have one and make it your best. I know a lot of people are making two Instagram's now. They are using one a professional Instagram and using the other as a fun and crazy one. They are saying here that you don't need to do that. Just have one and really put a lot of heart into it. 

3. Refrain about speaking about work- Most people turn to social media to complain about their jobs. This is not very smart. I know someone that is a manager at a store and it was brought to their attention that one of their employers were speaking bad about work on Facebook. This did not end well for them. They ended up being let go for speaking so poorly on the company. The article says to never post anything that you wouldn't want to say to someone face to face.

4. Check your grammer- This is my biggest problem. Sometimes I am in such a hurry that I don't check my grammar. This is actually very important if a future employer happened to look at your profile. Right before you push the "post" button, you should really check to make sure what you write makes sense. 

5. Use social media networks accordingly- It is saying that if you decide to make a social media page then you should really make sure it dedicated to be professional. Also, if you are posting things on one social media that people are really enjoying then you should put your contact information for other sites too. 

Overall, I think these tips not only should be used for college students but for people of sports teams, already in the work force, or people just looking for a job. 


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