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As always, I am writing my weekly blog about the book I am reading. The book is called "Social Media Marketing: Workbook 2018" written by Jason McDonald. This weeks chapter is all about Twitter.

Twitter is one of the most well known social media sites in America. Many people including celebrities and politicians use Twitter daily. Twitter is a place where you can tell your thoughts, promote your business or just read funny tweets.

If you don't know how to use Twitter, then you are in luck because this chapter explains it perfectly.

This chapter tells us that Twitter is just like many other social media sites such as Facebook or Instagram. Twitter is like blogging because in both blogging and tweeting you tend to write about something that interests you or your audience.

Twitter is like other sites but it is also very unique. Unlike other sites, you don't have to be friends with a person to look at their tweets unless they have their own privacy settings. Also, on Twitter you can set up an account and get started within minutes. Finally, you can message whoever you want on Twitter. This is a very open site.

The book describes Twitter as being noisy. Twitter is not like Facebook where you only see your friends and family post. On Twitter, you see tweets from the people you follow but you also see their retweets and favorites.

Do you think Twitter is for you? The book tells us that if you are in an industry that thrives on news, then Twitter might be for you. You will be able to stay up on the latest news and see what the latest trends are. The biggest and most important tip that McDonald gives us is "tune in to Twitter conversations that matter to your business, and tune out of Twitter conversation that don't.". If you follow that rule then you will be able to find success on Twitter.

The book then goes on to tell us exactly how to sign up for Twitter and what you do to make your Twitter successful. One thing you must do is pick a handle. The tip that they give is that you should pick a shorter name because tweets have a character count. You then have an option to pick a header and profile picture. If you are trying to make a professional twitter then use more professional photos. If your Twitter is going to be used for a more personal reason then you can use personal photos. Lastly, your bio is where you put in a couple words that describe who you are.

I hope this helps you when it comes to running your own Twitter account


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