Avoid Clueless

Chapter 9 in the book, "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick is called "How to Avoid Looking Clueless". At times, I am not sure if something I say or do in regards to social media may be considered tacky. With these tips, I am hoping to increase my own social media knowledge and maybe help out others along the way.

1. Don't Swear-  As I have said in my other posts, I am a member of Delta Zeta here on campus. When I tweet things out, I am not only representing myself but I am representing my sorority as well. I try really hard to not swear or say anything on my twitter that I would be uncomfortable saying to my grandmother. A lot of the time, future employers will look at applicants social media before offering them a job. They want responsible people to represent their company.  

2. Don't ask why People Unfollowed You- If you question why someone unfollowed you, it may turn others off to following you as well. Just keep posting and don't worry if someone unfollows you. If you keep posting, sharing and commenting you will soon gain more followers and won't have to worry about the ones lost.

3. Don't be A Pimp- What does that mean? I think Guy means if you selling something or promoting a product post it a few times, but people do get tired of the advertisements. You could lose many followers by promoting something constantly. Don't lose your own style while promoting to help keep the following!

4. Don't ask People to Share your Post- I personally think that asking people to share your post may increase your following. However, I can see people getting frustrated by being asked. If your post is well thought out and original then it will naturally be shared by your followers. Don't try too hard to get those retweets!

These are just four of the many tips Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick share with us. I think I will use some of these tips on my social media. Will you?


  1. I think this is a great overview of what Guy talked about in this chapter! I think the note I have for him is that it might be perfectly acceptable to ask CLOSE friends and family to share your content. I do think it can get a little overwhelming or annoying to ask online all the time. I think that if you ask in person it has a very different effect on people .

  2. I like all of these tips and points that you have posted here. Some of them seem super simpler, like don't swear or don't ask people why they decided to unfollow you, but some people really just don't get that! Social media is used to help you grow your platform and business or company. These things, personally, would turn my head in the opposite direction.


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