Read My Blogs!

If you are not familiar with, then you wouldn't know that the site tells you how many people have engaged in your latest blog. My first blog post reached a lot more people than my last couple posts have. While I was pondering why that is, I realized that my mom shared my first post on her Facebook page and tagged me. That means that it not only reached my friends, but all my mom friends as well. How can I reach all those people with each post I write?

The book I am reading now, "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick, has a chapter called "How to Integrate Social Media and Blogging".  Have you wondered how you can get your own writing out there and keep people engaged? Well you are in luck because here are three of the tips that the books shares with inspiring bloggers.

1. Curate Yourself- Kawasaki and Fitzpatrick want us to share our blogs on our own social media pages. As I said above, when my mom shared my post it got so many views compared to all my other posts. Why don't I do that each time I post? My biggest problem is that I am often not very confident in my own writing. I think that if I received more instruction on the ins and outs of wiriting, I would feel more confident in sharing each of my blogs. If you’re confident in your writing, share away on your own blogs to gain more active followers!

2. Entice People to Follow You- This means the duo wants us to post our blog URL to our social medias. When you share your URL, you are not sharing a specific blog but your whole site! I think that I am going to add my own URL in my Twitter and Instagram Bios. I can also share my URL on my Facebook page. I’m hoping this will make other people want to follow me on my blogging journey. Who knows who it might reach when its online?

3. Start an Email List- On you can have the site email your followers each time you create a post. Time gets away from people and it’s not always convient to check a site for a new blog.  I know my Grandma would love this feature.

In the future, I will defiently be sharing my own posts, putting my URL everywhere and making it easy for my followers to get updates on my blogs. Does anyone else have any tips or tricks for me to reach more people with my blog?

Again, if you are interested in social media, I would suggest "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick.


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