Top 16 of Social Media
Social media is all the
rage! What makes these sites so popular? Why do people love them so much?
I found the top 16 social media sites according to
16. Meetup (35,300,000 monthly active users)- I personally do not use this site. Meetup is where people come to discuss topics. You put in your zipcode and what you want to discuss and peoplecan join on the conversation. This could be anything; beauty, sports, school or pets.
15. Odnoklassniki
(71,000,000 monthly active users)- This site is mostly used is Russia. Odnoklassinki is a site used for old friends and classmates to catch up and talk. The minimum age requirement is only seven years old!
14. VK (97,000,000 monthly active users)- Again, this is a site used mostly in Russia. VK is a social media site similar to Facebook! You can post about whatever you feel.
13. LinkedIn (106,000,000 monthly active users)- This site is more popular than the first couple. This is used by professionals to link with other professionals. Personally, I believe a LinkedIn page could be very beneficial for students graduating this spring!
12. Google+ (111,000,000 monthly active users)- From what I understand, Google+ is basically everything Google has to offer. This would include Gmail, a Google search engine and your own Google Drive.
11. Flickr (112,000,000 monthly active users)- Flickr is a host site for pictures and videos. I do not personally use flickr but I know a lot of people who do. This site helps organize photos and videos that the users post.
10. Tumblr (115,000,000
monthly active users)- Tumblr is a blogging site. I think it's strange that I don't have one since I am into blogging. On Tumblr, you can bloggers but those bloggers can also make their posts private.
9. (160,000,000
monthly active users)- I have used before and I will personally never do
it again. It's a site used for people to send anonymous questions or comments to people. People can say whatever they want to you and you don't get to see who said it. This site has some backlash from critics for its bullying tendencies.
8. Pinterest (200,000,000
monthly active users)- This is my sisters personal favorite. This site is used
for you create boards and pin things that you think are cool or you want to
try. You can also post pictures for someone else to pin to their board.
Pinterest is especially popular with teachers and soon-to-be brides.
7. Reddit (330,000,000
monthly active users)- I feel like I should have one but I have never used this
site. Reddit is a little bit of everything. People can post anything and other
users vote it up or down. If it gets voted up, more users will see it. The
opposite happens when it is voted down.
6. Twitter (336,000,000
monthly active users)- This is my personal favorite. For those of you that
don't have one, I can best describe it to you as a place where people express their thoughts in a couple sentences or 140 characters to be exact.
5. Weibo (376,000,000
monthly active users)- What is this and how is it more popular than Twitter?!
After looking it up I found that Weibo is a Chinese multi-blogging website.
4. Qzone (563,000,000
monthly active users)- Okay, what? Again, I had no clue what this is. It is a
Chinese site that allows you to blog, keep diaries, post picture and videos, and listen to music. Honestly, this sounds like a cool site.
3. Instagram
(1,000,000,000 monthly active users)- If you read my blog then you know that I
use this app. Instagram is social media application that allows you to post pictures on your page for people to like and comment on.
2. YouTube
(1,900,000,000 monthly active users)- I do not personally post videos on YouTube. I mostly use YouTube to watch videos of soldiers coming home when I
want a good cry or watch a music video when I want to do karaoke!
1. Facebook
(2,230,000,000 monthly active users)- Facebook is the most popular social media
site out right now. I honestly remember when I started Facebook. That had to be
more than 8 years ago. Facebook is place where you can post your thoughts, concerns, pictures, videos and even opinions. Some people post their political
thoughts but I wouldn’t recommend.
When I first started
this blog I thought I would know most of the social media sites but turns out
that out of 16 I did not use 10 of them. I guess I need to go online more! Sorry Mom!
I thought I would know most of the social media too, but after reading your blog, I realized that I did not know most of them! I only uses top three social media, Twitter, and sometimes Pinterest. I wonder why Snapchat is not in this ranking. I like to try all 16 social media especially Flickr because I really need to organize my photos and videos of my phone, but I did not know which social media is good one. I also think this ranking would change depends on countries. In Japan, the top one would be "LINE" instead of Facebook!